One thing I am certain of, to partake with the mission is to be delighted. To support by praying and financially is also to reach these people out.

Whenever you crossed on my mind, it’s just hard to think of the ways on how I can return the goodness that you have extended by prayer and financial support. However I realized that I can’t be responsible enough to give back instead I can possibly pay it forward.

There are three certain reasons why I cannot do the returning.

First, because I do not know how to surpass your kindness and your heart in becoming a part of this journey and mission as a teachenary, second because I know I can’t even figure it out how now, and third because God will always be the one  to reward you good things for what you have done and for not becoming weary of doing it.

Besides my experience in HIGHLANDS CONFERENCE CENTER IBA, ZAMBALES: GREAT THINGS HAPPEN the one that taught me a lot and had a hands on understanding about doing mission is MY ADVENTURE WITH AURORA. Our team leader there taught us also the importance of partaking into the said project. That without these people who have been used by God through prayer and financial support, it would be a lot harder for us to do it and might not be even possible to get to the place.

Although in my side personally, I don’t want to do it anymore. I am kind of sick and tired of asking people to support the mission where I am going to be part of. I want to be the person who would go and at the same time use my own savings for it or I want to be the one who supports the mission not just prayer which I am sure is a good one but also financially and I believe these supports would fuel up the mission ministry and the missionaries themselves.

My prayer is that there will be more supporters for this kind of ministry though. I believe that doing mission is a vital part in reaching the world, in sharing the good news to people especially to the  unreachable ones.

I thank those people who never stop investing and supporting me and the mission. Thank you for partaking by supporting. You have reached many souls  and so let me pay it forward.



Published by Adam Pido

Hi! My name is Adam. I am passionate about teaching and seeing students getting connected to Jesus through the lessons and conversations that I have with them. Another thing that I love doing is putting into writing things that hopefully would encourage people and would glorify God.

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